Thursday, April 19, 2007

Some economic facts

I've been reading a report from TIER president about Taiwan's economic development experience and prospects and another article about Taiwan's innovation system. Both have interesting facts to look at. There are some of interest summarized below:

Technology investment

 High rank in innovation index (based on WEF)
 Taiwan US patent number rank world No 4 (2004)
 Taiwan patent number/per person rank No 2 (2004)
 R&D investment share of GDP ranks world No 10 (business R&D)
 LCD patents rank No 5
 R&D investment in service ranks low
 Patent mainly in semconductors, electrical devices, and consumer goods & equipment

Technology investment return

 TFT-LCD ranks world No 2
 ICT share of industry GDP: 35+
 HW industry ranks world No 4
 Semiconductor ranks world No 4
 Taiwan has many world No1 industry (in terms of economic scale)
 Low paid royalty/IPR income rate (lag behind 14 countries)


 Trading amount ranks world No 15 (export + import)
 GDP share: Service>industry>mfg>agriculture (Real GDP share: 73.3%, 25%, 21.4%, 1.7%)
 High rank in enterprise efficiency (6 /IMD)
 Low rank in government efficiency (19/IMD)
 Increased IPO purchase
 Slowed GDP growth from 1995 - 2004
 Low labor productivity below OECD average (GDP/employment)


Anonymous said...

即使NO.1 也not means everthing,每個人都會對自己、自己生長的motherland懷著不會動搖的愛與信心,但——如果君是個female(請原諒我的偏見,呵呵)——這樣偏頗的想法似乎可以原諒。沒人能標榜自己代表正確與答案,我也不會把一己之見強加於你,真實的感受只有自己體會才能真正認同,但願你有更多瞭解更多事實的機會。總之不能說你的想法是錯的,只好這樣講——用冬雪否定了夏雨,不見日月只道星辰.如果真的是female的話,可能歸咎于女孩特有的neuroticism吧

Anonymous said...
