Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Housing prices in 2007

There's a Yahoo on line poll about how Taiwanese people (well.. i assume only Taiwnese people could take this poll) see the development of real estate market in 2007. Currently more people (38%) think the price will increase slightly than those who (24%) think to drease slightly.

But interestingly, there are some interesting findings when I look at the cross analysis charts.

People who are older, richer, with higher education tend to think the market will be worse rather than better. Who are more optmistic about the real estate market are those who are below 18, between 19-30 years old.

People who make less money (for no income to less than 50,000 NTD per month) tend to think the market will become "better".

Irnoically, the market becomes "better" (in Chinese) means better for the real estate investors and construction companies rather than people who are going to buy hosues. Those people who think the market will become better are those who just graduated or just started their career for few years. The "better" market means higher prices and heavier mortgages.

For those young people seeing the better market, did they actually forsee higher housing prices and decreased chances for them to buy a house? Therefore they are actually more pessimistic rather than optimistic?

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